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Movie VCDs & Wrestling VCDs


Movie VCDs (all new) are from a Barter co.
There are many more which are not in
the image. Can come over and choose.
A few Movie VCDs may be out of stock –
but some titles I have a few units each.
Pls let me know what you have to offer.

These VCDs are original, most are produced
under licence by MTV. 
Each cost me RM14.90 in Barter points.
1 point = RM1. Plus a transaction fee of 4% in cash. 

Wrestling VCDs
each cost RM29.90 in Barter points
so 1 VCD = 2 VCDs .

Willing to barter 8 VCDs for 1 used Car Battery
(not in storage for more than 1 year)